Highlighting 100 麦克校友 for school’s 100-year anniversary: Posts 31-40

在2024年, the 正规博彩十大网站 麦克乔治法学院 is celebrating members of its vast alumni network in honor of the school’s 100-year anniversary. These posts are part of a series highlighting 100 exceptional 麦克乔治法学院 alumni.

我们将继续发布故事, we invite you to follow along and explore the stories of exceptional 麦克校友. This article spotlights ten 麦克校友 who have emerged as formidable forces in their respective industries, making significant impacts on their communities and even extending their influence to the government level. 麦克校友 pave the way for the next generation of law professionals, 他们有着辉煌的职业生涯, 继续为正义献身, 并成为各自领域的顶尖专家. 


Ron Freitas, ’88, is a career prosecutor and the current District Attorney of San Joaquin County. He is the founder of the San Joaquin County Homicide Task Force, 证据专责小组, 以及大陪审团特别工作组. 弗雷塔斯的论文发表在《正规博彩十大网站排名》上, 加州地方检察官协会, 以及国家地方检察官协会, and is a Chapter Author for the California 继续教育 of the Bar, 加强刑事量刑手册.

的宝贝. 詹姆斯·哈德斯蒂(退役.), ‘75

的宝贝. 詹姆斯Hardesty, ’75, served as Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court for four years and was on the Supreme Court from 2004 until he retired in 2023. In 2014, he led the Nevada Supreme Court’s educational effort to amend the Nevada Constitution to create a Court of Appeals, 选民们在11月的选举中支持的. 内华达州上诉法院于2015年1月5日开庭审理此案.


何塞·赫莫西略,1983年, has been at the center of dozens of high-profile ballot measure campaigns and legislative and regulatory debates on issues ranging from workers’ compensation to natural resources and taxation. He has been recognized as “Public Affairs Executive of the Year” and one of the most influential people in the region by Sacramento Magazine.  

托马斯·W. Hiltachk, 87

托马斯Hiltachk, 87, has served as legal counsel and treasurer to numerous statewide and local committees, 说客, 候选人, 和政府官员. Hiltachk served as legal counsel for the campaign behind the Three Strikes 法律 and was also a legal counsel for the campaign to recall Gov. 灰色的戴维斯. Hiltachk has previously served as general counsel to the California Republican Party and lead counsel for former Gov. 阿诺德•施瓦辛格.

何天恩(Thien Ho), 1998年

何天恩(Thien Ho), 1998年, is the District Attorney of Sacramento County. 何鸿燊23年的律师生涯, 他成功地起诉了性侵犯, 帮派, 还有杀人案. Most notably, he successfully prosecuted the Golden State Killer. He also helped to build a nationally ranked trial advocacy program at McGeorge, winning multiple regional and national mock trial competitions.  


Nora Klug, LLM ’01, serves as Group General Counsel for Bosch Global in Germany. Klug leads the legal department of a global company that ranks No. 95 on the Fortune Global 500 and employs nearly 400,000 people. 在担任现职之前, she was General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of the global legal and compliance sector at BSH Hausgeräte GmbH in Munich, 在德国呆了7年多. Klug earned her LLM from McGeorge in Transnational Business Practice in 2001.

的宝贝. 芭芭拉·克朗伦德,89年

的宝贝. 芭芭拉Kronlund, ’89, made history as the first South Asian American female judge in California on both the state and federal benches, and was appointed to the Superior Court of San Joaquin County in 2005. 在她任职期间, Kronlund法官曾担任过各种职务, including presiding over the Juvenile Court and assuming roles as a supervising civil judge and court commissioner.

兰斯H. 奥尔森,77

兰斯H. 奥尔森, ’77, 曾为数十名民选和公职人员提供建议, including Speakers of the Assembly and Presidents Pro Tem of the Senate. He has provided legal advice to the California Democratic Party since 1982 and has played a major part in the drafting and passage of many of California’s major laws. 奥尔森 also serves as counsel to many of California’s foremost labor unions, 几个大型行业协会, 几个主要的环保组织, 以及加州许多领先的科技企业家.

的宝贝. Michelle Tong, 01年

的宝贝. Michelle Tong, 01年, is a judge for the San Francisco Superior Court. 在此之前, she dedicated 17 years to the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office, 专注于社会正义事业. After working in San Francisco serving low-income Asian immigrants for several years, Judge Tong attended McGeorge and was active in the Asian Pacific American 法律 Students Association, 黑人法律学生协会, 和少数族裔学生律师协会.


帕梅拉·唐德罗,87年, is the executive vice president and chief legal officer at Onsemi and has extensive experience in business compliance, 反垄断, M&A、专利组合管理. Tondreau was formerly the chief legal officer for Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and spent 13 years at Hewlett-Packard. She is a strong advocate for diversity in the workplace, 相信导师计划, and actively works to build the next generation of leaders.



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